Thursday, May 14, 2009

Irony in the Great Beyond

After the edits. After posting the project to youtube. After the storyboard. After the project presentation to the selection committee on deadline. After winning in the category of Creative Collaboration announced at the LCDT meeting. An e-mail was circulated to advertise our project with a link to youtube. Several have enjoyed our "playful teamwork," some have commented in person and other have left comments in the space alotted on youtube. While promoting all of these wonderful technologies, advances in communications, use of web 2.0 tools, we had a wonderful speaker (Michael Stephens) come and speak to us on continuing to move forward in using these to connect with others via internal and external web communities or "tribes." I recieved an e-mail notifying us of comments on our work-related project. Sadly, all I was able to access and read (from work) was the following.

The City's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time.
Reason: The Websense category "General Email" is filtered.

Irony defined beautifully.

Wonderful Woes of Going Beyond 2.0-Part2: Trial and Errors

At the suggestion of our supervisor, we kept a informal record of our decision making process along the travels through our Beyond 2.0 project.

Beginning with topic selection. After tossing ideas at each other while passing in the workroom at shift changes, we finally settled on our final choice during a humorous and light-hearted dispute while shelving in the video section. The questions brought to light in the video short were those we ourselves had differences of opinion on. Therefore, we began to formulate our innovative way of improving communications via a training video for circulation personnel.

When we narrowed our field to the goal of opening a discussion rather than actual training, it was merely a product of a official written policy roadblock, or rather, dead end. In the circulation procedures manual we found no concrete answers to most of our questions. Thus rendering our ability to properly educate on the "how to" impossible. Obviously, improving communications was needed. Hopefully a future update to the procedure manual will one day be the final result.

The orginal concept for the video was to illustrate how the tasks of the clerks directly effect those of the other positions within our library system, a food chain if you will. Also to share actual scenerios we encounter, as well as, perhaps clearify any misconceptions about the importance of our role. This along with the overall topic transitioned into illustrating misconconceptions when shelving videos and using actual questions we ourselves have to foster discussion and healthy debate.

In chosing the format in which to present our project, we immediately leaned toward a video posted to youtube. The other web 2.0 tools used were simply communication tools or means to an end. And as for this blog, I merely like to blog. In leiu of text or commentary in the short we originally had planned to pen a actual accompanying training manual. A manual without concrete answers to the questions at hand though was useless, so we opted for an accompanying discussion worksheet complete with printed photo examples of the questions raised in the video short. In turn these photos found their way onto our presentation storyboard for the project.

When compiling our photos, as mentioned in the previous blog, we encountered storage space issues so we moved into the online photosharing realm. During the uploading and editing process we found that Photobucket was actually more liberal with storage space and more user friendly than Flicker. All the other web 2.0 tools used were as a direct result from their introduction through Learning 2.0 Remix program.

These are only but a few points to illustrate our decision making process along the way, but I feel I have typed quite enough for the moment. Until next blog....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wonderful Woes of Going Beyond 2.0-Part1: Time and Technology

There were several obstacles that we had to overcome or that redirected the focus of our project. Below are listed a sampling.

1. Using the VBGOV network. Drive space constraints, IT change-overs of both drives and the Microsoft operating systems, saving/download/upload times exceeding the mount of allotted time to utilize for our project work, and the ever-present known Microsoft issue intermittently causing multiple instances of computer "hang" or “freeze up” leading to a inability to properly save all our changes in the final stages of the project.

2. The need for using at home (creative) resources led to an inability to access certain contributions from non-web based projects for another team member to collaborate in edits and changes, aka PrintShop and photo editing software.

3. The requirement of saving our project in a community accessible drive so that anyone might view it prior to its official debut therefore giving any competitor's leverage simply because the entire of central library accessible to the evening shift is devoid of a CD-R.

4. Password Retention of team members.

5. Conflicting work schedules or need for more in-person collaboration time.

6. Heat tickets and available computer stations.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Here are some web addresses of importance to this project:¤t=ab591d98.pbw

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Movie

At the bottom of this page is posted the preliminary video for our project on photobucket. Enjoy!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Project in Progress

BEYOND 2.0: Playful Teamwork (Collaborative Opportunity) Project 2009

GOAL: Expand the library staff's knowledge base through the use of technology (Web 2.0 tools) in order to communicate a need for improved guidelines in order to be more uniform and standardized in our shelving processes. In turn, to promote a more efficient collection search for patrons.

MISSION STATEMENT: Library's mission statement and/or strategic plan supporting this project is our promise to be user friendly and efficient thus enhancing our ability to offer quality customer service.

TOPIC: Begin a process to illustrate a need to address the current loopholes in our present guidelines for shelving entertainment videos. This will in turn foster open communications while addressing common questions and misconceptions face and promote further training from the circulation personnel.

OBJECTIVE: Bring attention to a need for more specific guidelines in a fun, light hearted and non-threatening manner to promote open input from staff about areas that need improvement. Therefore taking a step toward the planning and implementation of new and improved guidelines for shelving entertainment videos.

STRATEGIC PLAN: We anticipate significant user participation (staff) with our finished product simply by the interest already shown and responses from our initial verbal survey of our co-workers and supervisor. We feel adamantly that this project will a useful tool for use in illustrating current questions, open communication for other possibilities that may need inclusion and will lead to a improved written set of guidelines and training.

WEB 2.0 INVOLVEMENT: to assist with project planning and to track progress, to post overviews on Web 2.0 as well as information on our project, and more to come.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

WEEK 5: Virtual Worlds and MMOGs

This installment totally and immensely had me written all over it. I am a nightly visitor to the Ysera realm of Azaroth and accompanying continents in the World of Warcraft. I have several toons, characters...avatars, but one "main." Her name is Angenavive and she is a Human Destruction Warlock and has ascended to the maximum level of 80. Her family (guild) by choice is called Draumaless which has around 300 total toons (some of which are "alts"-alternate characters of someone's "main"). My alts are Moonprowler (level 73 Night Elf Druid Healer), Miseri (level 60 Draenai aka Alien Holy Paladin), Chicamuerta (level 61 Human Unholy Death Knight), and Magentila (level 41 Human Fire Mage). Judging by the levels you can see that I am very active in my online virtual world. This particular world is referred to as a MMORPG (Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game). Actual role-playing is optional based on ones personal taste in types of play. This and games of this type are goal orientated war type games and W.O.W. in particular has over 10 million subscribers.

Now the type of virtual social worlds referred to this time is somewhat close however the bottom line purpose is to have a community of collaboration and commerce and essentially learn while you're not looking. Key elements introduced in relationship to these virtual worlds are as follows.
-Creates a sense of self (avatar)
-Creates a death of distance (through instant portals or flight)
-Creates a Power of Presence (sharing an event or experience)
-Creates a Sense of Space / Perception (size can be manipulated)
-Creates the Capability to Create (while documenting accountability and reputation)
-Creates a Pervasiveness of Practice ("How Do I..?" is part of the learnscape, culture or community)
-Creates an Enrichment of the Experience (breaching disability or distance)

An acronym of significance:
F low
R epetition
E xperimentation
E ngagement
D oing
O bserving
M otivation

No matter which virtual community interests you, the typical intent is to escape reality or augment reality in some way. Each and every day more and more people around the world discover and embrace this very important tool that is beyond web learning 2.0 and into web 3-D.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

WEEK 4: My So-Called Social Life

Social computing is actually a very interesting phrase to me. When people think of "social" the phrase "getting out there" comes to mind. In social cumputing, sure you are getting your contact information out there to meet friends, co-workers etc. of both old and new but in reality its a mere way to stay connected without actually "getting out" at all. Think you don't "do" social computing? Think again, you are if you do any of the following.
A. Posting blogs
B. Commenting in forums or to messageboards
C. Uploading videos to Youtube
D. Making a Podcast
E. Organizing a Wiki
F. Uploading photos or just tagging them
G. Chatrooms or IM
H. Online gaming (MMORG)
I. Facebook, Myspace,etc.-ing
Anything that allows you the option to create a profile and has a searchable database can indeed be a social network of sorts. Social computing is a way to work together thru software in order to collaborate or bring people or information together.

WEEK 3: Shhhh...Private

Is there really anyone out there under the misconception that anything online or even on your computer is private? I'll be the first to admit I've put WAY too much information out there in the cyber masses and one day it will most likely bite me in the rear. Now, with that said, unless it is in a Vista style confirmation in triplicate pop up boxes upon checking any "yes, I've read the privacy statement and agree to the terms of agreement" any and all content on your "space" should indeed be considered "yours" unless otherwise disclaimed or thereby wavered." However, that's not to say the the net savvy, mp3 stealing, gamer and amateur hacker in training kid down the street has any intention of respecting that credo. So the rule of thumb, if you don't want it known or shared...don't upload it for millins upon millions to access, copy, print, email, sell, link, or blog about. If you fill in your address in every random contest expect to get mail from any and everyone that contest deems fit or profitable to sell your inbox information to. Sad but true, it is just a fact of our 21st century lives.

WEEK 2: Aggregating aggregators

Okay so I get the verb (to collect, gather information into one collective, a whole sumor amount). I get the theory, "one stop shopping" for news, update and information from your favorite places ans spaces. Since beginning this lesson I've joined Friendfeed through Facebook and Twitter also through Facebook but thats as far as it went. Personally these tools to expediate our info fix quickly takes a bit of time to set up how you want it. Now for some it may be worth the time, energy and head-scratching moments of "huh?" For me at the moment, not so much.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well, about the teamwork...

I've had my concerns on the collaboration portion, aka teamwork, on the final project may be not so much the co-workers interest but rather the sufficient time to indeed collaborate. I've written out some of my brainstorming but haven't been able to meet with the others for us to compare ideas and goals for the project. Our supervisor has expressed a desire for a particular subject, however I'd much rather our project be something we indeed are interested and knowledgeable first-hand in so that we relay tips and practical advice along with procedural informational based on our experience. At the moment though none of that seems to matter due to timing and having the others commit to the project this far in advance.

And yes, type A personality, pre-planner, and organizer extraordinaire here.

WEEK 1: Meez Playful Avatar

Playful is right! This activity was too much fun to actually be work related. Check out my Meez!

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Want one? Go to

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Coming soon to a blog near you.

(Italic info is copied)

Playful Teamwork --- Collaborative Opportunity
Using web 2.0 concepts or tools, participants are challenged to work together to create something of value for library staff or customers. Here are several examples of possible projects for an agency or team:
*The law library might use a wiki format to create an online resource on privacy and the Internet.
*The Reader’s Advisory group might use a social network like Ning to connect readers and facilitate book discussions and merchandise library materials.

To complete the challenge, participants can use either their current work groups, teams or form new ones. Already established groups and teams are encouraged to work together.
On or before May 4, participants will submit their projects for review to a panel of judges. Using the Project Review Process, the panel of judges will select one project to be presented at the May 2009 LCDT meeting. All projects submitted will be showcased with a display board at the May 2009 LCDT.

Each project will be required to demonstrate the following:
1. Support the library's mission and / or strategic plan
2. Add value for either internal and / or external customers
3. Collaboration
4. Creative or innovative approach
5. Knowledge of web 2.0 tools

To be considered for review, each group needs to submit the following:
1. Playful Teamwork Project Form
2. Display board showcasing their project
3. URL of their project, if appropriate

This seems to be another great opportunity to not only educate myself but enjoy the process along the way. The only item of concern for me is the collaboration portion. Teamwork is not a problem for me in the least, however my concern is having ample co-workers interested in participating and sufficient time to indeed collaborate. Wish me luck.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Week 9: My Learning 2.0 XP

I've taken a couple of days to try to decide what I want to say about how very much I have enjoyed this opportunity. Everything I come up with sounds remarkably silly to me. I was that kid in high school who was talented but not enough to be in the various talented programs offered. That kid who was pretty but clearly no prom queen. That kid who had potential, personality and a bright productive future ahead of her but no scholarship, grants or parental financial support to go to college. I think that is what makes me the "sponge" I am today in that basically any opportunity to learn, I soak it up. I must say that this has been not only informative but fun for me. Also, I enjoy the blogging aspect of this project. I work three jobs and don't always have as much time as I would like to be able to explore the Internet so when I learn how to make it happen quicker and more simply-Hallelujah!! Technologically my next thing to tackle is mp3 devices. I'm surprised I've not already learned all about it because I am an avid music lover. My wish list not only includes one of those but also a Blackberry, which all I truly know about it is that its more than a cell phone but less than a computer and I can check my e-mail wherever and whenever I wish. I've no doubt though that both will require my fair share of Internet tutorials. Hey, maybe there are Commoncraft: Explanations in Plain English for those as well. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week 9: It's a Web 2.0 World

The statement 2.0 implies an upgrade of the world wide web but technically that isn't so. In my opinion, moreover it points to the evolution and change of getting the end-user (aka us) more involved. My personal use of the Internet and place in the web culture community, as it is today, is that of being creative and well informed when communicating to not only my immediate friends but also those I acquire virtually. As said eloquently on Wikipedia, "Web 2.0 encapsulates the idea of inter connectivity and interactivity of web-delivered content." Today's Internet affords us more freedom, openness, participation, experience, creativity/personalization, and collective intelligence than ever before. I graduated from high school in 1993....imagine the force I may have been with this technology. Unfortunately the generation after have grown up with it all along and don't realize the invaluable resources right at their fingertips for the taking. If the library is to stay vital, we need to be interactive and interconnected with these and subsequent generations right at their literal fingertips.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 8: Social Networking Footnote

One point I forgot to mention is my very high regards for the producers of the YouTube series Commoncraft: Explanations in Plain English. The title truly says it all. If I am confused, they literally draw it out for me. If not, they educate me with a way to explain it to those around my mother. In this most reason segment on Social Networking, I especially liked the description: "Like a map for a highway, [social networking sites] you the people network to get to you next destination..."It doesn't get much simpler than that.

Week 8: Social Networking and Stereotypes

Not the most educational lesson for me personally whereas I have mentioned before my avid use of MySpace, however it did breathe life into my soapbox. In the podcast, there were several key points that need to be repeated-over and over again until the message gets out.
1. New technology breeds fear.
2. The Internet is constantly evolving.
3. Molesters are seen as lurking on the Internet (where in reality children are molested by someone they know 8 out of 10 cases).
4. Perception is distorted.
5. We need to teach and model safe practices.
6. Be relevant. Be where the next generation of customers is.
These points are so very important when it comes to Internet in general. Let's delve in deeper. Take my generation, the thirty-somethings. Many of us not only utilize and enjoy a social network, but rather have more likely than not signed up for each one coming and going. I personally don't recall how many I'm on with a picture and a profile. I can tell you with much confidence thought that all are outdated with the exception of my MySpace ( DISCLAIMER: This is my personal, not so private, page and in no way, shape, or form reflects the beliefs, opinions or attitudes of any of my family, friends or employers. Any judgements made about my person or values are solely the opinion and responsibility of the viewer and may not be assumed to be an accurate perception or representation of who I am as an individual. With that said, I've decided to fore go that portion of the assignment and introduce you to my existing "masterpiece."

Week 7: Web Widgets, Gadgets, and Warcraft

Imagine that! I've been using "widgets" or "gadgets" all along and didn't have a clue that what it was. I am an avid myspacer so I've been introduced to this (of sorts) long ago. None-the-less I very much enjoyed this lesson and discovered a widget via that I truely like on the goings on of the popular online game, World of Warcraft. Two words-Thank you!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 6: Update

AHA!!!!! I figured out how to add bookmarks and tags to without adding the handy dandy button onto to the toolbar. Now I feel accomplished for the day.

Week 6:Tags,Social Bookmarking, and Folkso-what?

Ok...Tags I get, understand and like. In theory- the whole of this lesson I understand. In action-not so much. I was certain I grasped it until I began my adventure. I signed up, logged in and jumped onto the confusion bandwagon. But I think I also discovered the error of my ways. In reading over the help topics from this struck me; "The recommended way is to use one of our browser add-ons. Once installed..."If I'm right, I am completing the majority of these lessons while at work and on a network maintained by someone other than myself and I am guessing my installations my have limits. If I'm wrong, then...I'm clueless. Anyone who can shed light, please feel free to ease my flusteration.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week 5: Multimedia Memories

Multimedia at work? First off, podcasts and vodcasts are something that are not foreign to me but the thought of my making one is. I don't know why? I mean, in the back of the closet somewhere is a old reel-to-reel tape with videotaped memories of a four year old running around a snowman from her father giggling the whole way. Also, when I was slightly older I discovered that each Christmas I wanted a new tape recorder because I had worn mine out recording everything from myself singing to audio clips from The Smurfs, Knightrider and Rags to Riches series'. But, at the ripe old age of 33, the only multimedia I had truly wondered why I've waited so long to do was the photo-sharing. I love photography and have been told I am decent at it, especially macro photography. My idea of photo sharing was a set of 12 matching photo albums, each labeled by color of the enclosed floral subjects corresponding. Sometimes, however, I wish I had made duplicates so that I could also have them with the particular travel/event as well. Photo-sharing storage on the Internet and its allowing you to assign keywords for searchability is ingenious. Now I've just got one task upload only a few zillion of my photographic memories to the web.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 4: IM and I

First off...
" <3 IM via cell er MSN itsa gr8. bbl or c u 2morrow. tyty. 8)"

Now if you understood that then you too are either a IMer or gamer. I regularly use my cellular phone to text message to either a friend's cellular o their e-mail. When I can't contact someone that way, I may log into MSN IM to see if they are online.

I suppose I should translate the above...
Note...for your information I love instant messaging through the use of cell phone or MSN messenger, it is great. Be back later or I will see you tomorrow. Thank you, thank you. (smile)

I will have to check back with the Virtual Librarian for he/she was offline at the hour I was able to work on this weeks Learning 2.0. I am pleased to announce though I have managed to catch myself up on this fun and educational online course. Thanks to VBPL for the opportunity.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week 3: WIKIS-Woe is me!

Okay, so about this Wiki business. I get the idea, I totally get the ease in the purpose, and I even think inserting a link in a Wiki edit would be easy enough. Take the Virginia Beach Public Library System Wiki (as suggested). In it the Norfolk-Southern Railroad was mentioned. Now in a search I did find information on the Norfolk-Southern Railway via a link. So PRESTO! right? Wrong. I had no earthly idea how to make that connection dispite the Wikipedia cheatsheet, youtube video, and tutorials. So, alas I chickened out and the only edit I saved was the change from Railroad to Railway. Now is the time to hold my breath in wait to see who has issue with that small of a change.

Week 2:RSS and Me

RSS?? Something I've always seen but never explored or knew what it was all about, much less what it actually meant. Well, FYI (for your information) RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) is the information one stop shop. It saves time clicking on different favorites or typing in various addresses. You just subscribe and BINGO! there are the links to all right in one place. Now, to just remember to go check it, since its now in my internet highway todo list of World of Warcraft gaming, Myspace blogging, MSN chatting, and managing now four e-mail accounts without Outlook. Wish me well.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Week 1: BLOGS.....In the beginning

This blog is a product of a training opportunity through my work at Virginia Beach Pulic Library entitled Learning 2.0. It seems this will be a very fun experience whereas I already very much enjoy blogging on myspace. So, now you know, this will be my little spot aside from there to verbalize my "Going Thru the Motions" of being me. Visit me again soon.

(Italic information is copied)
Getting Started
The Internet is woven into the fabric of everyday life. Newly established and emerging Internet communication technologies such as blogs, wikis, and online social networks provide people with greater flexibility to collaboratively participate in an already complicated and continuously evolving information seeking process. These web-based technologies are enabling communication and increasing social interaction. Communication is transforming into a process where people move seamlessly between devices and in person encounters.Learning 2.0 Remix is an online learning program to encourage Virginia Beach Public Library employees to experience these prevalent and emerging web-based technologies. They are changing the way in which people, business and society access information and communicate with each other.The content for this online learning and discovery program will be posted to this blog over the course of nine weeks, beginning the week of September 29th and ending the week of December 1st. Yes! We skipped over Thanksgiving week. Participants have an additional week to complete the program. Learning 2.0 Remix ends on Friday, December 12.Participants will…READ each blog post.THINK about the information contained in the “Learn More Resources”.LEARN through completing the hands-on activities.DO more in their professional and personal lives due to increased awareness, knowledge and skill.For participants, these activities represent a total weekly time commitment of 30 – 50 minutes.The online learning program seeks to:
Engage library employees in fun, collaborative, lifelong learning opportunities featuring information literacy concepts, skills and dialog.
Encourage new thinking and innovation through exploration of Web 2.0 and new technologies.The Learning 2.0 Remixed blog will highlight the following web-based technologies:

Week 1 - September 29 - Blogs
Week 2 - October 6 - RSS
Week 3 - October 13 - Wikis
Week 4 - October 20 - Instant Messaging
Week 5 - October 27 - Multimedia
Week 6 - November 3 - Tags, Folksonomy,
Week 7 – November 10 - Web Widgets and Gadgets
Week 8 – November 17 - Social Networking
Week 9 - December 1 - Web 2.0
Participants will use these technologies as learning tools and gain first hand knowledge of how they may be applied in business and in their personal lives.
Posted by Cindy Hart